
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Public Health; An Insight to (NZ)


The Government funds over 75% of healthcare services provided in New Zealand.

Almost all New Zealanders have access to the essential health services.

There are approximately 80 public hospitals in New Zealand.

Funding is dispersed between a number of organizations, including private health care providers, such as testing laboratories, radiology centres, general practitioners, and voluntary organizations such as Family Planning Associations, Plunket, The Deaf Association of New Zealand, The Cancer Society of New Zealand and more.

Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths

Physiotherapy: Treat muscular injuries by ways of manipulation, exercise and the use of heat.

Chiropractors: Treat injuries to joints

Osteopaths: Treat bone displacement

Both Chiropractors and Osteopaths specialize in spinal disorders.

Visits to any of these specialists are not covered by Government subsidies, unless they are part of an ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) claim.
You must be referred by a G.P. under ACC policies or you will have to pay the full cost of these services yourself.

Disability Support Services

If you have a disability or on going health condition that is proven to be expected to last longer than 6 months, you may be entitled to assistance from Disability Support Services.

These services include:
• Information and advice
• Personal Care i.e. dressing, washing, eating.
• Cleaning and cooking services
• Rehabilitation services
• The supply of aids, wheel chairs, crutches, hearing aids etc
• Support for family carers.

To eligible for any of these services you will need a “Needs Assessment Test”

Contact your local G.P or W.I.N.Z. or A.C.C to discuss this if required.

Health Services for Elderly

As the population of New Zealand ages, it is natural that some will become less capable of looking after themselves; it is recognized that some may not be able to continue living in their own houses.

They may choose to move to a rest home or into long term hospital care.
Your G.P will recommend an assessor from the District Health Board visit and complete a needs assessment test as mention earlier.

The needs assessment test also includes an income an asset test, if you can afford it, then it is expected that you will contribute towards the costs of residential care.

The subsidies are generally only available if you are over 65 and meet the level of eligibility however in some cases it is possible to qualify from age 50.

Contact WINZ to discuss eligibility.
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)

It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen, resident or a temporary visitor, if you are in New Zealand and have an accident you are covered under the Government Funded ACC insurance.

However the percentage of cover, the lump sum pay outs and the weekly compensation packages have changed several times over the years. There is no guarantee that the cover of today will be the same of yesterday or tomorrow.

ACC operates what they call a 24 hour no fault policy and strives to get everybody back to earning capacity as soon as possible.
ACC will usually help with the costs of treatment if you suffer an accident related injury, medical error or a sex assault.

All Accident victims are entitled to free hospital care. (Although I know of cases where patients have been required to rent crutches and pay for prescriptions from their own pockets.) I mentioned earlier that these payments have changed several times throughout my experience with the system.

ACC may pay part of the cost for other services, including dental, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, podiatrists, acupuncturists and occupational therapists. You are required to pay the difference.

If you are working at the time of your accident then ACC will pay 80% of your wage as long as you stay eligible, which generally means you must complete a medical examination every 3 months and participate in any form of rehabilitation that the case manager assigned to you feels you are fit for.

If you suffer a permanent disability ACC will organize an assessment for a lump sum payment. (This has varied over the years and is not guaranteed)

Consult your G.P to assist with making a Claim to ACC.
If you are in hospital the nursing staff may assist you with this.

General health Information

Asian Health Line Cantonese
0800 375 069 Mandarin
0800 375 068 Korean
0800 375 067
Pacific Island Health Line Auckland
Otara 09 274 9135
Otahuhu 09 276 1190
Henderson 09 837 3933 Wellington
Newtown 04 389 2070
Porirua 04 237 4207
Hutt Valley04 568 6392 Christchurch
03 366 8076

Everybody(information about New Zealand Health care)

Health Benefits
04 381 5300
Health Pages (Information to find a G.P that speaks your dialect)

Malaghan Institute of New Zealand (information about independent medical research institute)

Medical Council of New Zealand
04 384 7635
New Zealand Medical Association
04 472 4741
New Zealand Doctor on line

The Health Network

Specialist Services

Arthritis Foundation of New Zealand Inc
04 472 1427
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand
09 438 5205 or 04 499 4592
Cancer Society of New Zealand
04 494 7270
Deaf Association of New Zealand,nz
04 801 8965
Deaf Emergency Fax 08000 16 16 10
Dental Council of New Zealand
04 499 4820
Diabetes New Zealand
0800 342 238
Eldernet (Information for elderly)

Enable New Zealand (Information and referrals for disabled)
0800 17 19 81
Hospice New Zealand
04 499 0266
New Zealand CCS Inc (Information for disabled)
04 382 9353
IHC New Zealand Inc (Information for intellectually handicapped)

New Zealand Centre for Research and information in Disability and Rehabilitation (Massey University)

New Zealand Cancer Control Trust
09 308 0490
Parents of Vision Impaired (NZ) Inc
0800 312 019
Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind
0800 213 333
The Mental Health Commission
04 474 8900
The New Zealand Health Information Service
04 922 1800

Government Agencies

Accident Compensation Corporation
0800 222 776
Commissioner Health Research Council NZ
09 379 8227
Community Services Card
0800 999 999
Health and Disability Commission
0800 11 22 33
Health Education
09 845 0955
High User Health Card
0800 252 464
Innovations in Health and Disability Services

Ministry of Health
0800 611 116
National Drug Policy